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GitHub project “tpac2024-breakouts”

W3C Sustainability meeting

on (ttk.me b/5Z21) using BBEdit

Session description

The Sustainability Community Group (CG) identified a number of projects and work areas in its first meeting. Since then, two things key things have happened: First, the Sustainable Web Design CG has been forked off to its own in-progress Interest Group charter (on w3c-ac-members member only link) to focus on the Web Sustainability Guidelines. Thus this Sustainability meeting will focus on other areas listed. Second, the Ethical Web Principles (EWP) has been voted on by the W3C Advisory Committee, and there were no objections to the section on environmental sustainability, which provides an excellent forward-looking focus for a Sustainability CG meeting.

Session goal

The goal of this session is to discuss and pick a few of the Sustainability CG work areas that are most directly and actionably aligned with the EWP encouragement to “endeavor not to do further harm to the environment when we introduce new technologies to the web”, and identify goals and next steps towards those goals. For example, expanding on the Principles identified by the EWP, and how to do a sustainability (s12y) assessment of new and proposed technologies towards establishing a practice of Sustainability Horizontal Reviews to build on W3C’s existing accessibility (a11y), internationalization (i18n), security, and privacy horizontal reviews.

Additional session chairs (Optional)

No response

Who can attend

Restricted to TPAC registrants

IRC channel (Optional)


Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

#55, #59, #65, #68, #70, #77, #84, #87, #88, #89, #99

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda for the meeting.

To be added to https://www.w3.org/wiki/Sustainability if this session is approved.